Now this is really going to shock many of you as this number 100 on my list, it is critically hated by so many other critics and people alike. I will get to the scores a bit later but need to mention the other usual stuff before I attempt (and I use the word attempt on purpose) to justify my score. Released in 1991 and produced on a budget of $6.8m you might be surprised to know that it did technically make a profit with a return of $14.8m but I would assume a large chunk of that profit was eaten up by marketing and promotion. The film was directed by the Dutchman Ate De Jong , produced by Paul Webster and had the starring list of Phoebe Cates, Rik Mayall, Marsha Mason, Tim Matheson and Carrie Fisher. The scoreboard was not troubled as this is possible one of the largest gaps between the three of us. With IMDb going for a middle of the road 6 out of 10 and Rotten Tomatoes pull no punches with one of the lowest scores on my reviews with a meagre 11%. Which maybe explained with the plot.
Elizabeth Cronin is an unassertive and repressed woman. Her mother is the dominant person in her life. She is currently separated from her husband who wants a divorce and he is now seeing someone else. She then watches her car getting stolen and as a result gets home from work late and loses her job. Her life sucks! She bumps into a friend when heading home who reminises and helps her remind her of her imaginary friend who use to give her relief from her overbaring mother and use to make her happy and cheer her up. With her life turning to crud she is forced to move back in with ‘mother’ and finds the Jack in the Box that she had sealed Drop Dead Fred her imaginary friend in all those years ago. Fred instantly returns and starts getting upto his anakistic ways but still only Elizabeth can see him. As an adult this could be a problem as she is now see talking and reacting to Fred. Of course Elizabeth gets the blame for all of his antics and she is taken to her child’s psychologist where the waiting room is full of Fred’s old friends as they are the imaginary friends of other children there. He is terrified that Elizabeth will be given tablets that will make him go away but ulitamely just like Nanny MacFee once she grows up and becomes assertive enough to be alone then he will just simply fade away. But will that ever happen?
I remember this film with fondness and its more to do with Rik Mayall than anything else. Someone had clearly seen his performances elsewhere and said lets put this guy in a movie. Great they then go what character can he play as he needs to be bigger than life and full of energy but how can we do it… I know why not an imaginary friend! If only one person could see him then he could get away with anything. What a fantastic idea let’s do it. We’ll get the beautiful Phoebe Cates onboard this story just writes itself doesn’t it. Well the answer there is probably no it didn’t. I do like the story as it is really does allow Rik to be the Young One’s character of old and develop it without the restrictions of being seen and accountable for his actions. There is one scene that sums this up when Elizabeth annoys him and he just boots her, calls her a name and runs off. This is Rik Mayall as his most annoying. Which is why we love him. I like films that others don’t know about as it makes it more mine to own without intrusion. This one was released and panned by the critics but it does have a bit of a cult following out there and those that love this movie, LOVE this movie!! I think any movie brave enough to put Rik Mayall as a lead is brave but when you look at Jim Carrey movies you could argue the toss that Rik could have been cast in those roles and made a real good fist of it. Being British this would of held him back and kept him to English comedies instead and you could argue that the likes of Bottom and the New Stateman’s would not of happened if a big glitzy Hollywood career was born. So I think I’ve been very generous with the points for this one but I am also very pleased to be able to see Rik Mayall in a movie whenever I want to. Don’t hate me for it!
A new sentence I am bringing in for the last 100 movies is a pre-warning for the next item on the list just to Whet your appetite for the next upload from me. Next this time will be an overview of the situation and giving a potential final Tri-Critic Sync Challenge scoreboard as I cannot see many more scoring movies to come.