So, I follow the remake with the original as only I can do with exactly the same score as the remake. We are deep into the batch of 81% from me and this two I thought should sit side by side. This was an independent movie released in 1978 and a sequel to Night Of the Living Dead (1968) movie. It was directed and edited by George A. Romero as the first but was written in collaboration to the Italian horror master Dario Argento. The movie stars David Emge, Ken Foree, Scott Reiniger, and Gaylen Ross. It was made with a very independent $1.5m production budget it did go on to reap a rather larger than independent reward from the box-office of $66m. The movie itself has a long run time for the time being over two hours but how did the critics take to it? Well it was loved and not with a real mix bag with IMDb giving this horror classic a 7.9 out of 10. Where Rotten Tomatoes loved it with a 93% which really surprised me but pleasantly. Shall I move onto the plot which you may of just read in the remake. Ha!
Following the last movie the States are devastated with whatever element is to blame for the dead rising again and killing by eating the living. We are now a few weeks into the apocalypse and social order is all but gone. Rural community and the National Guard have been fighting the increasing number of hordes in the large open areas but the cities are overrun with more and more bodies joining the opposition. Philadelphia is home a news agency with staff members Stephen Andrews and Francine Parker who are planning on stealing the stations helicopter to escape the city. The Police are breaking up parties and trying to kill the zombies in housing projects. The raid is ruined by people living there fighting back with guns breaking the attacking the Police SWAT team up but bringing together Peter Washington with Roger as they were in different teams heading in. Roger tells Peter that his friend Stephen’s plan of escape and he should come with them. That night Roger and Peter meet up with Francine and Stephen and they all leave in the helicopter. They have to refuel with some stories of its own they manage to fly to a large shopping mall. They manage to secure the mall by locking the external doors and then use trucks to block the doors but one of the gang is bitten. They clear out the rest of the Zombies from the mall and have full access to all of the joys within. Living off of all the mall’s previously unavailable treasures they live the life of Riley. Until the results of the bite finally catches up but the whole lifestyle returns to normal until a biker gang arrives which destroys their lifestyle and much more than that including this plot by me.
This is a great movie and more so for the interesting theory of human existence. The group of near strangers come together with the Police SWAT teams member who meet just before leaving together. The couple who used to work together but she doesn’t really know his friend and no one knows the other Police officer. There is a liner connection with the four, the two Police officers become the brawn of the team. The girl of the group is looked after by the other three men. The couple are together but he is weaker than the other two so there is a bit of conflict there. You do become attached to these character and feel for them when the sh** hits the fan and rejoice in their happiness when they are breaking into jewels and money and using the ice-rink you are happy. They work so hard to make this mall their own and once secured you realise that this could go on forever unless (or more so until) that perfect existence is shattered by other humans as the Zombies are not going to change anything from their stupid existence. If you haven’t seen this movie you should, the gore with Reel that is so red you can paint walls with it but it doesn’t take you away from what a great story this is. Now it is dated which maybe why I haven’t given it a 90+ score line and it may well of got a bigger score many years ago. Is it still worth a watch, definitely yes!