OK, OK, Calm down I know full well this is one of the new Star Wars movies and I know that my score begins with an 8 so I will explain later but first I will begin with my bumph followed by a plot then you will get my views on this one. Should I start by saying the other critics saw this as above and below my score with a Disney movie you can work out the split can’t you. IMDb gave it 7.8 from 10 & Rotten Tomatoes gave it 84%. Released in 2016 this film was released in between A Force Awakens and The Last Jedi and for me showed the peak in the new movies. This was made on the minimal budget of $265m yes that is more than half of the movies reviewed combined but it did go on to make $1.056b at the box-office so they can justify the movie. The production was dogged by rumours of discord and directors displeasure and reshoots and redo’s and lets go back and do it again. Which for me is highlighted in the trailers having many different scenes that never appeared in the movie. I noticed this myself so I am a proud ickle boy! Sorry where was I oh yes, it starred Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Ben Mendelsohn, Donnie Yen, Mads Mikkelsen, Alan Tudyk, Riz Ahmed, Jiang Wen and Forest Whitaker. Quite a few people went into this movie full of fear and worry due to the plot being set before the ‘A New Hope’ movie which means putting the original saga at risk with a blundering size 9 go trampling through the story. Whilst on the subject of the story here’s a brief overview of the plot, with a clause of you knowing some of the Star Wars information and not been living under a rock in fact you’ve probably watched it and just want my opinion so we can argue about it.
Research Scientist Galen Erso is hiding on a planet when Imperial Weapons Developer Orson Krennic arrives to pressurise him into completing a design of the Death Star. Look up Death Star if you don’t know what that is! His wife is killed and his daughter Jyn goes into hiding and rescued by rebel extremist Saw Gerrera. He is taken by force and has to designed the Death Star. Years later a defector takes a hologram message recording by Galen to Gerrera explaining the plans of the Death Star and a Rebel Alliance Intelligence Officer learns of he plans and frees Jyn from an Imperial Labour camp. Cassian is the officers name and he takes Jyn to Mon Mothma who convinces her to try and rescue Galen to learn more details of the plans whilst the agent is told to kill Galen to prevent his work on the Death Star. Cassian has a reprogrammed Imperial Driod K-2SO who travels with them but they learn from Gerrera that Galen has built in a weakness to the Death Star which if they could find out they could destroy all of this work. The plan is afoot they have to now get to Galen in able to find out the secret - secret plans and then find a way of getting out alive to get the plans back to rebels in able to set up an assault to get the Death Star destroyed.
As mentioned my views on the new Star War movies are not good they have basically killed a great story and they have done so because they wanted to see if they could deconstruct something so success well congratulation you managed to tear the story apart to the point where it doesn’t actually make sense and you have broken the laws of its universe to do so. I will remind you that the Rise Of is not on this list as I do not own it and I have no plans to own it either. When you soil on top of something good sometimes the best thing to do is stop rather than piling more sh!t on top which is what they did with Rise where they tried to ‘fix’ the middle film and they failed badly. This movie was the first of the new movies to meddle with the old story and this was a dangerous ploy to do and a risk for my judgement to. This is a fantastic movie. There I’ve said it. This is what the Last Jedi should have been, respectful to the universe it was trying to play in with a great story underpinning the whole thing. Writing and story is the most important thing a great story will keep people engaged and not destroying stories that people already loved should be avoided. This movie fits neatly in between episode 3 and 4 of the story and it does its job so well this has to be lorded and it has to said. I hate episodes 8 and 9 to the point where its killed the star wars world for me. I have no interest in the discussion of a retro we’ll do it again and change it all or bringing out books to accompany a film to paper over the cracks of plot holes. I paid to see a film not watch a film and say what the hell followed by the director writing a pamphlet to explain the bits they couldn’t be bothered to film because they forgot it would ruin the plot so had to “Make something up to fix it”. Well this movie needs no additional additives no extra bits it has been cut to leave a story that makes sense. It has plenty of action and a story of heroes up against pure evil that is twisting and turning to stay in grace of the Imperial leaders. This fits in so well that you can miss how stunning the CGI is of the characters of old to make them look so real on screen (ok this may of slackened a bit on the small screen) but this movie of all the new 5 movies is the only one worth watching. If you have the option of just one of the new one’s then this is it don’t bother with the others. There is a great emotions rush with the episode 7 of member berries but the story is weak and flimsy but it sets up the next one to run. The next one kills it and all the previous movies before in an attempt to burn 8’s misguided rubbish they made a bigger pile of 9. This is the stand alone movie of them all. A diamond in the turd of Disney Star Wars, I hear good things about the new stuff from Disney Star Wars but it is gone for me I have no interest in it. If I want Star Wars it doesn’t have the ‘D’ word in front of it. With the exception of this movie which is what the others should have been rather than the slop which was offered. Go actually enjoy a Disney movie.