A new Muppets movie where it doesn’t take itself too seriously either! I say that and then check that it was released 9 years ago and that feels like last year and start to feel old and unable to remember simple things. It was released in 2011 and had a budget of $45m to create before the box-office return of $165.2m was generated. Which was a success and well received by nearly all, including a similar score as me from IMDb who gave it 4 points less than me with 7.1/10 IMDb. The Rotten Tomatoes gave it a whopping 95% anyone would think it was a Disney movie. Oh! Let move on quickly, it starred Jason Segel, Amy Adams, Chris Cooper & Rashida Jones. Don’t forget the muppets as well.
Again, I will attempt to whizz through this to give you an overview of the movie without the deep dive in to the story. Walter is a muppet and he has a brother who is a big fan of the muppets as he grew up with them. His girlfriend (I’m not sure but I’m going to go with…) Mary is also a fan of the muppets but is a little fed up with Walter hanging around all the time. They agree to go to LA on holiday and allow Walter to come along so he can go on the Muppets studio tour. Whilst on the tour he sneaks off in an attempt to meet Kermit. He stumbles into an oil magnet erm.. Mr Richman who has Bobo the Bear and Uncle Deadly in tow who is organising the buy the Muppets theatre from Statler & Waldorf. Walter then overhears Richman secret plan of knocking down the Theatre do be able to drill for oil. Is that enough of the plot or do I need to tell you that they go to warn Kermit to say they overheard that they have a limited time to get $10m together to buy out contract before the deadline on the existing agreement
So, I enjoyed this movie but it is not a 97% in my opinion I am convinced that score is to do with the financing behind the scenes of the squishy red stuff. It is good there are songs and laughs and as I mentioned before this film doesn’t take itself of the Muppets too seriously and it does laugh at itself. Its not the sweetness and light of the classic Muppets but it still tops it hat to that and it does have comedy elements and all the Muppets you would want to see is in there to tick off your spot list. I would recommend this movie to anyone whether a fan of these guys or not you can watch and laugh at this. Go and get it on your to watch list.