Should I launch straight into the usual business fair of saying this 2000 release was made on a budget of $75m and went onto make a very tidy $248.1m at the box office. This movie stars Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson and Robin Wright Penn. Whether originally intending to be is unknown by me but this was the beginning of a trilogy of movies that viewers little realised where all connected and saw the unbreakable trilogy. This film was well received and is making an entry in the Tri-Critic Sync Challenge by hitting the post (as it were) by seeing us three being with 5 points of each other with 7.3/10 from IMDb and then 70% from Rotten Tomatoes so couldn’t have been a Disney movie then!
To the plot?
Willis plays David Dunn a midfielder for Blackburn Rovers. Sorry I jest! He does play David Dunn a normal guy who is involved in a train crash which he simply walks away from unharmed. This leads him to realise he has super hero powers of not being harmed. This is turn leads him to Jackson’s character Elijah Price who has brittle bones and believes that as he is so fragile that there must be someone at the opposite end of the scale. Under Elijah’s influence David believes he may have a weakness to water but he does have extrasensory perceptions. Which leads him to bump into people so he senses the crimes they have committed. He finally bumps into someone who has a crime happening at the time so decided to act on it and try to rescue the people he has hostage. Will it work, is it true or just a myth standing on the shoulders of coincidences.
Enough plot to get you going I believe this is a great movie and the director/screenwriter deserves all the credits he gets. I watched this movie without a clue what it was about and to be fair I didn’t know what to expect so didn’t have any preconceptions of what might be coming my way and was thoroughly entertained. The story of does he have superpowers or just delusions of greatness. He was forced to quit football because of a car crash put a spanner in those theories and the issues with water and drowning is also against this mythical theory of great powers and with Jackson’s character in counter balance of the story it is good and I will and do recommend giving this one a view as its worth your time.