The thrilling conclusion to the only trilogy from Star Wars worth your time and effort of pressing that play button. ‘The Return of the Jedi’ was released in 1983, three years after the second movie in the saga. For its time it was the most successful movie of the year and a fitting conclusion to the initial trilogy. You may be surprised to know that this was directed by Richard Marquand from Cardiff he also directed Eye of the Needle and Jagged Edge. Produced by Howard Kazanjian and based on a story by (of course) George Lucas with the screenplay by George anda Lawrence Kasdan, with the now iconic music penned by John Williams. The film stars Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams, Anthony Daniels, David Prowse, Kenny Baker, Peter Mayhew, and Frank Oz. Although you may not recognise Frank on screen! Over two hours long this is an epic conclusion to the Skywalker story. Made on a budget of $32.5m this film went onto return $475.3m from the box office but I cannot be sure if that includes all the merchandise and video sales. I am proud to say we have another entry onto the Tri-Critic Sync Challenge with this movie as it just scrapes inside the post with a 7 point difference. As IMDb gave this a 8.3 out of 10 and Rotten Tomatoes gave it 82%. Leaving my higher score on the outskirts but I don’t mind liking a film more than others. The plot follows on from the previous story to I have to give you a spoiler alert (just in case you haven’t seen this!!)
Han Solo has been capture and frozen in carbonite he has been transported to Jabba the Hutt’s palace on Tatooine. Luke sends a message along with his droids ahead of his arrival, where he plans on bargaining for Han’s life. Princess Leia arrives in disguised an attempts to spring Han but is captured herself. Luke arrives and is captured himself. Meaning they are all in palace ahead of the sentence of death for Luke, Han and Chewie until they spring their daring escape and end Jabba’s reign. They travel back to the rebel alliance while Luke travels to Dagobah to complete his training. Yoda confirms the shock ending of Empire and the group come back together to hatch a plan to destroy the newly rebuilt Death Star. Well the building of Death Star two. The plan consists of a small group heading to the forest moon of Endor to knock out the defence system of the Death Star. Leaving it vulnerable to a small space ship attack on the half made Death Star, which has the bonus of both Darth Vader and the Emperor onboard. The gang head to the moon until Luke realises his presence is risking the mission and gives himself up where he is taken to the Death Star also. With the main gang fighting on the forest moon, Lando flying the Falcon an spearheading the attack on the star base whilst Luke has his own personal battle onboard the ship the rebels are trying to blow up again.
How is that for a plot. Stunning and an amazing conclusion to the original trilogy and this was a very suitable conclusion. So much more than what was recently churned out by Disney which has burned my bridges possible permanently as I am not sure I can ever get over the Rise of Skywalker. This is the ending this saga deserved it brought a conclusion to the Skywalker story. It could of easily of finished there or it could of finished in episode 8 but with a suitable conclusion not the steaming pile of ‘Last’ that was served up. This was simply the happy ending for the characters that we had come to love over the previous nine years and was just desperate to see them being happy and finally putting pay to evilness of the universe. It had had its way for way too long now was the time for good to finally succeed and this put a neat bow on the top and concluded the greatness. If I am honest it did not need anymore than we come to love. The Episodes 1,2,3,7,8, or 9 is not needed and they really didn’t but this neat little bow on this conclusion is enough for me and is all done. If I never watch any of the other movies again I will not be that upset. However, I would miss any of the original three and not being able to see them is enough to annoy me let alone the fact you cannot see those movies anymore as they have been tinkered with for NO GOOD REASON!! I really do wish that people leave greatness alone it ain’t broke to don’t fix it!
OK enough ranting I will move on to the next movie which based on this one’s conclusion we are looking at the middle movie of a sci-fi classic.