In 2009 this sequel was released and was pretty much a hit at the box office. It followed the initial film but set a year or two after the original. This particular movie sees a return for Jason Lee only for him to appear on screen for less than 10 minutes as it begins with his character David Seville getting injured whilst at a concert and spends the rest of the movie in a hospital bed. He sends the chipmunks to be looked after by his aunt who also gets hurt leaving the munks to be looked after by her godson. He takes them to High School so these Christmas tree based wild animals turned music band gods from the first movie can develop teenage kid issues. They are being bullied and taking all of the attention that others are becoming jealous and end up in the head’s office. She’s a big fan and asks for their help to raise money, which they are keen to do. Ian sees them in the paper so decides to unleash his next diabolical scheme to bring the boys down. Oh Ian (David Cross), is Ian Hawke the evil villain from the first movie… like Duhhh keep up!
So, he has a girl group of his own to rival the singing chipmunks with a girl group. Sounds like Disney’s plan for every movie ever since.
Sorry I digress so he sends his three girlie chipmunks to bring down the male chipmunks and they build towards the climatic conclusion of the battle of the bands which was always going to happen wasn’t it.
Again, a movie not living up to its original movie but it is not a bad attempt it can hold its own and maybe deserves a bit higher rating than 70% but not from me.