The problem with this film is that you have to begin any review of this movie by highlighting what this film is not. This is not the third in the Halloween series, it is the beginning of a new series of Halloween movies which didn’t work because when you have two movies that follow the same story and you call something 3 people expect it to be the third part of the story not a random beginning of another. The first two Halloween movies follows the exploits of the psycho killer Michael Myers slashing through his victims where this movie does not. This is a stand alone movie from 1982 which was due to start a series of Halloween themed movies that have nothing to do with the first two movies.
This story here revolves around a crazed Irishman who is looking to kill as many of the population of the world in one night as possible. So how is he going to completely this amazing feat well by selling masks that when a tv advert appears at Halloween the mask activates and kills the wearer that turns into insects, bugs, snakes and various other nasties that can then attack and kill the rest of the household. The reasons for doing this I cannot remember but that’s the story. The hero of the story is a doctor played by Tom Atkins who is at the hospital of the first victim trying to escape from the town where these masks are being made. He teams up with the daughter of this first victim and go to investigate the town and factory where these masks are being made. They follow clues and investigate the factory to the point where the Mad Irishman has to do something about them getting too clued up with his diabolical scheme.
The movie was panned by critics and to be honest these are quite justified in that this isn’t the film people were expecting and I understand this was promoted as the third movie and it is clearly not. I hold the belief that it is not as bad as people believe but you need to do some digging into the reasons why this film came about and cut the film some slack as the story does stand alone but even still the story is a weak one. The acting is ok in parts and there are some massive plot holes which I cannot forgive which is why the score is still quite low for this list.