I brought myself a boxset of three scary movies only one of which I had heard of and despite never seeing it, I had heard good things so I brought the three films. This movie was one as the three so it cost me £1.67 and I am not sure I got my money’s worth.
This was released 2009 and revolves around the main character called Casey who is seeing some weird shit going on which includes weird colour eyes and when baby-sitting the boy attacks her and some other weird stuff continues after that spooky night. I am not sure how to hype this up without giving the whole plot away so spoiler alert it all revolves around twins and one not being born and its spirit leaves the body and goes on a floating attack of the other twin. Casey finds out that she would have been a twin but her cord wrapped around the others neck and it was never born. This pissed him off so he goes on to attack her wherever possible and then possesses people. They call for an exorcist and a big fight ensues which kills lots of the cast. I won’t go to spoil the entire plot but you get the idea ghosts attacking people and not a very pleasant happy film is created.
Would I recommend this movie, hmm probably not there are some scares along the way but the general plot is fairly predictable which is something of a turn off for me with a scary movie? If I know the end before the end then I don’t need to watch it do I, then you wouldn’t need to either.