The review below was written based on the original score I gave this movie when sat one night in the early hours and I was tired and way too generous. So, I could cope with all the calculations so now I’ve moved it which has meant going into each line from 397 to 358 and had to change each one!
So, feel my pain just not see this movie as high up the list.
OK How the hell did this slip through the net? If I am honest I have no idea how this movie was scored a 70% as I know this movie and it doesn’t warrant much over 50% if at all so I am not sure how it got this high on this list I will flag it and go back to redo but right now I want to work through the rest of the list rather the change all the numbers of each of the films done as it’ll be too much of a pain. So, I will just give you an overview of the plot and try not the mention the deer’s as what a scene that was being attacked by CGI deer for pity sake.
Released in 2005 this follows the original American version of 2002 which was a copy of the Japanese film with the same name from 1998. It basically revolves around the son of the main character now being possessed by the girl in the well. He has an irrational fear of water for some reason and makes wild animals attack him. The main character (Ok I can’t remember her name) Rachel Keller suspects that her son is possessed and when she reveals herself (the ghost to the mum) in the bath Mum Rachel attacks the ghost figure that has replaced her son. She tries to drown her, only for the man of the plot to burst in and finds her trying to drown her son. The grand finale is that Rachel goes to sleep and does battle with the spirt in the dream world where she rescues her son from the beast and then dies falling off the same cliff as the ghost’s mother fell and died from.
It’s now into the early hours of the morning and thinking of coming back tomorrow and rescoring this movie down lots. It was a bit of a box office hit the time but critics, fans and me really didn’t enjoy it. The more I think of this movie the worse it gets in my mind and it does not deserve the 70% I gave it when I was clearly very tired 2 weeks ago. I will reset this but I won’t change my write up as I didn’t enjoy this movie and would easily take Danny The Champion of the World over this pile of horse manure.
I couldn’t live with this being so high in my list so I have revised the score and moved it back to where it should be and just so you know I’ve moved this from 358 to its current location and changed it from 70% down to 52% which I still think is a bit generous.