We are steadily moving through the eighty three percenters and we have a comedy coming into the 85th position with two comedy icons sharing the screen to hilarious effect. Released in 1987 and made on a budget of $30m and written, produced and directed by John Hughes. It didn’t return a huge amount at the box-office with a $49.5m return but with this being a Thanksgiving movie it may not of been that liked outside of the US but it did receive high praise from the Critic (mostly American). Comparing my score with the other two IMDb gave this one a score of 7.6 out of 10 and Rotten Tomatoes gave it a creditable score of 91%. It two main stars are Steve Martin and John Candy who have gone of to become comedy legends in two different ways. I shall get onto the plot…
After taking a business trip to New York Nick Page is left in a boring Marketing meeting desperate to leave to ensure he can catch his flight home as it is Thanksgiving in two days. The meeting is deferred so he dashes out into the New York rush hour to get a cab to the airport. He is that desperate that he bribes someone to take his cab and whilst paying someone else with a large trunk steals his cab. Finally getting to the airport he catches the flight to O’Hare on the flight he sits next to Del Griffith. Who is a dull but talkative large gentleman who takes off his shoes to share his smelly feet with the rest of the passengers. Due to bad weather the plane diverts to Wichita. Upon landing Neal tries to organise another flight while Del books a hotel room. When Neal fails he is forced to team up with Del to share his hotel room. Losing his temper Neal verbally attacks Del and he responds by saying that he likes himself and so does his wife and many others but calls Neal a cold and heartless cynic. They calm down and finally get to sleep the next morning they begin a journey from Wichita to Chicago with a clue in the name of the movie. Without the plane option the two have to try as many different forms of transport to get back to Chicago. Neal desperate to get Del off his tail and Del offering kindness in the most awkward and annoying way possible. The two are forced together even though they may end up trying to kill each other but they are going to get to Chicago by hook or by crook.
This is just plain and simply a funny movie. The character are realistic and you can believe their motivations and the twists and turns that they have to suffer would result in more of their behaviours. The two are thrusted together and just get on each others nerves from the first meeting and throughout the movie. There are so many scene’s that brings a smile to my face just thinking about it, like the car rental scene and the quotes as well. With mine and many others favourite being “Six bucks and my left nut says that we are not landing in Chicago,” Which is hysterically delivered and it’s the timing of it added to the comment that makes it so much funnier. The end result of the rental car and dancing to Ray Charles – The Mess Around will live long in the memory and this movie should sit well on this and many other movie lists to be watched. Its not out and out silly like so many other comedies it has its moments but it is funny from beginning to end including the end credits as well.
From one comedy to another, but the difference with this one I will be one of a vast minority that actually liked it. Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 38%. If that doesn’t tell you how bad it is going to be then nothing will…