Batman is back on my list and the second one on this list from the ‘new’ trilogy and the third movie in actual series. Concluding the story in 2012 Christophe Nolan was back to direct again and it starred Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, Anne Hathaway, Tom Hardy, Marion Cotillard, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Morgan Freeman. This was Christian Bales last appearance as the caped crusader so for me ended the story and let someone else step in as a new Batman to fight Superman and various other versions that I haven’t watched. Made on a budget under $300m it went on to make $1.081b at the worldwide box office. And potentially the final entry onto the Tri-Critic Sync Challenge as it notches a 4 point spread across the three of us and not one of us agrees either. IMDb gave this one an 8.4 from 10 and Rotten Tomatoes gave it 87%, so I will do a round up of the scoreboard at the end of this section and I personally believe this could well be the final entry onto that list. Anyway shall we move onto the plot? Yes why not!
Bane is a masked terrorist from the League of Shadows who abducts a physicist from the CIA in Uzbekistan at the beginning of the movie. Some eight years after the death of Harvey Dent, Batman has disappeared and organised crime is gone too. With the Dent Act giving the police the power to deal with these crime. Commissioner Gordon has kept the negative stuff from Dent’s two face character a secret and allowed Batman to take the blame. Bruce Wayne is also a recluse and his corporation is losing money after he refused to continue with the fusion reactor work as he saw the potential for it to be weaponised. Meanwhile Bane has set up home in the sewers system and prompt Wayne Enterprises rival to pay a cat burglar to steal Wayne’s fingerprints which Bane uses to bankrupt Wayne Enterprises. But the Cat Woman is double-crossed and reveals where Bane and his gang is. The police raid the sewers but Gordon is captured, he is freed by a cop called Robin. Knowing that he has to face Bane, Bruce returns as Batman but Alfred fearing for his life threatens to quit which he does so. This drives Bruce into the arms of the CEO of Wayne Enterprises Miranda Tate. With his gains Bane expands his operations with plans of taken over and crushing Gotham. Setting up a Batman v Bane epic battle to come, there can be only one winner… can’t there…
This is a fitting conclusion to the Batman story and rounded off the trilogy open ended enough to have more of the same should someone else want to step in and take over the control of the creative side of the business. It appears this offer was never taken up and the next story with these actors never came about. This finished this version of Batman and is another good morning. Now why have I not given it an extra four percentage points well just like my Spiderman reviews I don’t like the villain. Now I know it’s a villain and you are not supposed to like the villain but I hope you know what I mean when I say there are bad guys that you like more than the others. It a bit like when K.A.R.R. turned up in Knight Rider he was KITT’s equal and could cause some serious problems so was a villain I remember from my childhood. In four seasons he appeared in two episodes, that is it! 2 out of 90 episodes but I remember him from way back when. I can’t remember the story of either of those episodes but I remember him. Bane was never a favourite of mine. He was a villain in the Batman & Robin movie which was bad but just not really notices was he. It contrasts the Scarecrow which is another lesser known villain who I loved and who appeared in the first movie but I liked it less than this one! Which I hope shows that this is a good movie with a villain I am not a huge fan of but it was good. I didn’t like that basically Bane’s plan pretty much happens and everyone is drummed underground. It doesn’t make me enjoy the movie more but the story the action the battle of good verses evil does. These three movies all look at the Batman character and more so the villain’s in a new way and in a more powerful way of bringing the real underbelly of the dark world and bringing light to it. A vigilante who has to live in the shadows, hiding away from the good and then bad to bring justice to its loved city. This character is more than the zap and pow of the sixties and more than the other movies and for me more of what we see here than anywhere else. This is what I believe the Batman character actually should be, so I say well done and embrace it for what it is. A rip roaring snorting gritty movie where people do die and there are dark shadows in this world and both good and bad can hide in there. Fantastic.
Next up on the list a comedy from the eighties that doesn’t involve kids, well there’s a few but they don’t get much of a speaking part. However, it does bring together two comedy giants to go head to head in a battle of wills and co-operation…