Ok two observations firstly I’ve given too much away with my final clue from my previous review and secondly the reviews of the top ten appear to be so much longer than the others. If you haven’t worked out which movie this is, I thought my clues were pretty good but this is ‘Ghostbusters’ a movie that started a crazy and two following movies of which neither were much cop and a cartoon series that put those other two to shame. Released in 1984 this movie was all the talk of my infant school when it was released. Written by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis, produced and directed by Ivan Reitman this movie brought together the acting talents of Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver, Harold Ramis, Rick Moranis, Ernie Hudson, Annie Potts, and William Atherton. It was made on a budget of under $30m and it took the world by storm returning $295.2m. I for one certainly remember how this movie took over my school when it was released. We have a difference of opinion when it comes to the critics with IMDb gave it a 7.8 out of a 10 whilst Rotten Tomatoes matched my score of 97%. The second score does not surprise me but the low score from IMDb does as I cannot justify that low score. The seed of the idea came from Dan Aykroyd who was writing alone and had the idea of a team of Ghostbusters fighting ghosts and driving around New York and saving people and buildings. The film would of begun with the fire station already up and running. After working with Harold the film developed and the beginning in the university was developed and the film that we all love was created and there it was on the big screen. To give you a bit of a summary of the plot.
Dr Peter Venkman, Dr Ray Stantz, and Dr Egon Spengler are scientists at Columbia University investigating paranormal activities. The dean has had enough of their shaky theories, conclusions and experiments so fires them. They use Ray’s money to set up Ghostbusters paranormal investigations and eliminations service. They buy a disused firehouse and convert a hearse (well looks like a hearse to me) into the Ectomobile. Along with scientific equipment that they are developing. They create a cheesy television ad which gets the attention of Dana Barrett who has just had a very unusual activity in her kitchen, which finished with her seeing a strange world in her fridge and a dog thing shouting Zuul. She contacts the Ghostbusters and they take on her case, before they get their first real paying customer a hotel with a ghost scaring the guests. They suddenly go from no ones to a successful business with tv and news running stories on them turning them into a huge success. Until they have to battle with Zuul who is trying to fight its way into this world.
I think that covers more than enough of the plot. This movie has quotes that I use regularly and so many different scenes that could be just funny on its own let alone when you put them all together. It created it’s own world and myths that had me hooked. Following on from the movie the cartoon started on kids tv and I was hooked on that weekly as well. Then there was news of a second movie and my excitement grew all the way up to the point where I saw it and it was over. This was a one off movie and that’s probably should have been where it ended. Recently (well) in 2016 they released a new movie called Ghostbusters except all the main characters were women. They basically remade the original story with its own twist except all the busters were women. Now I had heard how bad this was and I was not that interested in it. When I finally got my opportunity to see it I gave it an open mind and I really wanted to enjoy it as I like bucking the trends but I could not. It was that bad. As I mentioned before the cartoon was so much better. It was the success of the cartoon that killed the first sequel as rather than follow the original movie they followed the cartoons that only the kids had watched. Oh yes, they did! Go watch both and then come back and argue with me. I’ve said with other movies that the problem with the sequels was that it simply wasn’t the original movie that wasn’t the case here they were both just simply bad. They missed what people loved of the original and went off and made their own thing. But they didn’t even do that what they did was make what they thought people wanted and that’s why it failed. Don’t tell people what they want – they will rebel. This is a great movie it is funny its new and inventive. It brought together some fine comedy actors and it allowed them play characters that fitted them. It was simply a good and funny movie, that worked and took the world by storm go watch it. Right Now – go watch it.
Next up is a sci-fi movie that ends on such a down note.