After watching some bad movies whilst on lockdown and recovering from my major operation as I sat there dissecting a bad movie that it was suggested that I review the bad movies as whether they are worth the effort. First things first I had to come up with a ranking system and I was thinking of just doing horror movies as there is such a rich vein of bad movies in that genre, but I will not restrict this to just one, but I will warn you that this will mainly be horror movies as there are just so many of them. Anyway, I have come up with a 6-point scale which I may toy with later but to begin with we are looking at all having the prefix of this movie is…
· So Bad – Its Fantastic
· So Bad – Its Good
· So Bad – Its Funny
· So Bad – Its Not Worth Your Time
· So Bad – It is Simply that - Bad.
· So Bad – Its Awful
Now we have the scores to move forward with I need to watch some bad movies to start with I have already selected some movies the first two being those that I watched the other night that I tore to bits as I watched them. Which deserve to be added namely The Sand and Planet of the Sharks. Then there were movies that were watched when in my operation recovery period such as Wolf, The Heretics, Late Phases, and Redwood. Then there are just B-Movie horror movies such as the greatest ever being Bubba Hotep and the Man With the Screaming Brain. There are other Cult movies out there that I may have to force myself to watch such as Sharknado. There are also the New French Extremity movies will be in here such as Martyrs, Inside and The Frontier. I must add that I like some of these movies there is a ‘So Bad – Its Fantastic’ option for a reason and I will put myself through some of your suggestions and then add reviews for them here. I will also find a way of you sending me comments as they do not appear to happen on this site for some reason. But I will welcome your suggestions and bring them to the fore.
Thanks, and shall we get started.
Bad movies are bad for a single reason and sometimes a budget that won't let you buy gum to give the actors something to chew on doesn't result in an actually bad movie. Means that I will review any movie that I can get my hands on that someone has told me is a bad movie. Whether I think it is bad will be down to me. Cheap doesn't make it bad, one bad actor doesn't make a movie bad, a poor director will make a poor movie but the story may make it great. I will try and play this with a straight bat (cricket term there sorry!). Call it as I see it and then go from there. I will watch this dribble to help you avoid bothering yourself.
I fear most of these reviews will need Spoiler alerts as with just the first one I tell the entire story from beginning to end. This will happen often but I will put warnings out each time. Also I will number the films this is for logging purposes and not as a score from good to bad or the other way its just a way to remember each one the movies I review.
Below is the list of movies in each "part" and for ease of finding I will also list the movies alphabetically.
Part 1 -
#1 - Planet of the Sharks
#2 - Late Phases
#3 - Bubba Hotep
#4 - Joker Clown
#5 - Redwood
#6 - Kangaroo Jack
#7 - The Sand
Part 2 - The French Extreme Movies (1st Half)
#8 - Intimacy
#9 - Frontier(s)
#10 - Sheitan (Satan)
#11 - Them
#12 - Martyrs
Part 3 - The French Extreme Movies (2nd Half)
#13 - Baise Moi
#14 - Switchblade Romance or High Tension (Haute Tension)
#15 - Dans Ma Peau (In My Skin)
#16 - Inside
#17 - Calvaire (The Ordeal)
Part 4 -
#18 - Maniac on the Loose
#19 - Ouija Shark
#20 - VelociPastor
#21 - Pumpkinhead
#22 - Halloween 3: Season of the Witch
Part 5 -
#23 - Zoombies
#24 - Dragon Storm
#25 - Chopping Mall
#26 - The Killer Shrews
#27 - Highlander 2: The Quickening
Part 6 -
#28 - Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom
#29 - The Bunny Game
#30 - Cruel Jaws
#31 - Howl
Alphabetical Order Section Review Score - So Bad...
#13 Baise Moi [Part 3] F**k me it's BAD
#3 Bubba Hotep [Part 1] It's fantastic
#29 Bunny Game. The [Part 6] It's simply that... BAD!
#25 Chopping Mall [Part 5] It's simply that... BAD!
#30 Cruel Jaws [Part 6] Its just awful
#15 Dans Ma Peau (In My Skin) [Part 3] It's goretastic & not worth your time.
#24 Dragon Storm [Part 5] It's simply that... BAD!
#9 Frontier(s) [Part 2] It's not worth your time unless you
love GORE!
#16 Inside [Part 3] It's simply that... BAD!
#8 Intimacy [Part 2] It's very good (But not for Kids!!)
#27 Highlander 2 [Part 5] It's awful
#22 Halloween 3 [Part 4] It's not worth your time
#31 Howl [Part 6] Its so bad that it is actually pretty good.
#4 Joker Clown [Part 1] It's awful
#6 Kangaroo Jack [Part 1] It's not worth your time
#26 (The) Killer Shrews [Part 5] Its funny and worth an hour of your time.
#2 Late Phases [Part 1] It's Very Good
#18 Maniac on the Loose [Part 4] It's good. Cheap but good
#12 Martyrs [Part 2] It's fantastic
#17 Ordeal, The (Calvaire) [Part 4] It's alright
#19 Ouija Shark [Part 4] It's simply that... BAD!
#1 Planet of the Sharks [Part 1] It's simply that... BAD!
#21 Pumpkinhead [Part 4] It's pretty darn good!!
#5 Redwood [Part 1] It's good (well, alright I'll go that
#7 Sand, The [Part 1] It's not worth your time
#28 Salò (120 Days of Sodom) [Part 6] Just don't watch it!
#10 Sheitan (Satan) [Part 2] It's not worth your time
#14 Switchblade Romance [Part 3] It's fantastic
#11 Them [Part 2] It's actually alright
#20 VelociPastor [Part 4] It's funny and worth 1 hr 10min
of your time!
#23 Zoombie [Part 5] It's simply that... BAD!